All posts tagged: Literature

Post #43: Madame Bovary is an Unfeeling, Vulgar Harlot

Welcome to the forty-third post of the Great Writing Challenge of 2012. Five days a week for six months, I will be given a topic to write about. The stipulation: it must be 250 words (or more), and positive in tone. If you would like to suggest topics for me to write about, please email me at TheRebeccaProject [at] gmail [dot] com. A few years ago, I decided to commit myself to ploughing through the ‘classics’, becoming familiar with authors with whom I was not well acquainted, and those I was well acquainted with and detested when I was at school: the ever-expanding list authors such as Dickens, Austen, the Brontes, Oscar Wilde, Goethe, H G Wells, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Hemingway. So far, the project has been serving me well. That was until I started Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. The title character and I do not have a good relationship: Madame Bovary is an unfeeling, vulgar harlot. I despise her so much, and spent the entire book wishing harm to come to her. With …