All posts tagged: Music

Happy 4th!

Today is the 4th of July. Independence Day. I woke this morning, cooked myself patriotic pancakes (purple ones, a combination of the distinct lack of red and blue food coloring), then took a long, meandering wander along the canals. I watched people BBQ on their back decks, clothed in red, white or blue (or a combination of both), proudly flying the Stars and Stripes from their second stories. And really, you couldn’t have asked for a more glorious day here in the Bay Area. No one does patriotism quite like Americans. Listening to: Anthonie Tonnon’s new album Successor. Eating: Purple coloured pancakes with Canadian maple syrup Drinking: Chai Doing: Doodlin’ for ‘Murica. It’s a beautiful day for doing as much or as little as you wish. This year, it’s low key. I plan on spending the rest of the day in a food coma, only rousing for some night filming for a new short film I’m working on. Happy Birthday, ‘Murica!