All posts tagged: Life List

Post #38: Life List No.68 – Be a Jedi for a Day

Welcome to the thirty-eighth post of the Great Writing Challenge of 2012. Five days a week for six months, I will be given a topic to write about. The stipulation: it must be 250 words (or more), and positive in tone. If you would like to suggest topics for me to write about, please email me at TheRebeccaProject [at] gmail [dot] com. It has been a sad few days for my American family here, and I shall not go into too much detail for fear of trivializing things. Life can sometimes be so damned serious as an adult, and it sucks to lose people you love. But this is a fantastic, loving family, and I am so lucky to be a part. So in light of monumental changes and reevaluation of my own life, I want to focus my attention this evening on happy things: my Life List. When I first saw Maggie’s Life list, I was really inspired. This was more a collection of moments and experiences, and less of a Bucket List. The Life …

Post #12: Jeopardy!

Welcome to the twelfth post of the Great Writing Challenge of 2012. Five days a week for six months, I will be given a topic to write about. The stipulation: it must be 250 words (or more), and positive in tone. Kudos to Maia for the suggestion. If you would like to suggest topics for me to write about, please email me at TheRebeccaProject [at] gmail [dot] com. Whilst every woman and her dog is in Salt Lake City for the Alt Summit, I “opted” to further a goal on my Life List: to be a contestant on Jeopardy. I have been watching Jeopardy for years, and I really get a kick out of just having a crack at it. So when I heard the yearly Jeopardy Online Test was rolling around, I set reminders. I set alarms for the reminders. I set email pop-ups. I was committed to the cause. Alex joins us each night for dinner each night and it’s the only program we watch religiously. So the opportunity to be here and …

Making a Commitment to My Life List

One of my dreams is to live in Germany. I adored taking German at school, and loved taking it at university. But it’s been a decade since any formal linguistic training, and I’m itching to get back to it. [Source: me] So I’ve made a commitment to improving my German because I enjoy learning, but also because I want to start making some of these Life List dreams happen! I have started learning through the Rosetta Stone program for German, and so far, we’re just covering stuff I already know. I’m interested in seeing if this Rosetta Stone is really as good as they say… Who knows if I’ll ever achieve #20 and #21 on my Life List, but what’s the harm in trying? [Source: me] What is something you have always wanted? What are you doing to make that happen? [Source: me]